Ilana Redstone Ilana Redstone

To Solve Our Problems, We Need to Be Less Certain

Ilana Redstone writes that we must avoid the Certainty Trap if we want to have any chance of bridging our growing societal and cultural divides. By questioning ourselves more and judging others less, she argues, we can increase social trust, reduce political polarization, and better address challenges.

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Helen Pluckrose Helen Pluckrose

A Principled Approach for Reforming “Woke” Schools, Universities, and Workplaces

Helen Pluckrose asserts that we already have a clear model for addressing the problem of Critical Social Justice ideology in classrooms and work settings: secularism. Just as religious believers have the right to their beliefs but no right to institutionalize or impose them on other people, so too should the “woke” have the right to their beliefs but no right to impose them on others, including students and workers.

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Rev. Dr. Finley C. Campbell Rev. Dr. Finley C. Campbell

Neo-Racism and Its Language Must Be Rejected

Rev. Dr. Finley C. Campbell exposes the reactionary and divisive philosophy of what he refers to as neo-racism and the consequences of its antiracist rhetoric, including the emboldening of white nationalism. He offers a multiracial alternative that prioritizes class interests over racial identity politics for achieving genuine social justice.

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Rebecca Dare Rebecca Dare

Nigerians Need Something New to Believe In—Themselves

Rebecca Dare argues that the preference for reverent religious surrender over active problem-solving has hindered progress in Nigeria. To build a better future, Nigerians must reclaim their personal agency, embrace critical thinking and collective action, and place greater faith in themselves.

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Armando Favazza, MD Armando Favazza, MD

God in a Bottle: The Spirituality of Alcohol and Alcoholics Anonymous

Armando Favazza, MD, surveys the complex relationship between alcohol and Christianity and explores the religious nature of Alcoholics Anonymous and the spirituality of spirits. As a psychiatrist, he questions the efficacy of strict demands for abstinence and concludes that there is room enough in the world for both Christ and claret.

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Fernando Alcántar Fernando Alcántar

Playing Guitar at the Missionaries of Charity in Cambodia

Fernando Alcántar recounts his experience volunteering as a Christian missionary in Phnom Penh, where he witnessed crushing poverty and heartbreaking conditions at a compound for children and adults dying of AIDS, and shares his struggle to reconcile his belief in God’s love with the reality of such hopelessness and suffering.

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