Helen Pluckrose Helen Pluckrose

The Waning of “Woke”?

In this exclusive excerpt from her new book, The Counterweight Handbook, Helen Pluckrose explains why the influence of Critical Social Justice ideology on society is bound to collapse but warns that the ideology can still do a lot more damage before it falls.

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J. Anderson Thomson, Jr., MD J. Anderson Thomson, Jr., MD

Why Religion Is Like Fast Food

If you understand the psychology of fast food, you understand the psychology of religion, argues J. Anderson Thomson, Jr., MD.

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Chris Matheson Chris Matheson

What Dreams Won’t Come

Chris Matheson shares memories of his dad, famed horror and science fiction writer Richard Matheson. He recalls the warmth and affection his dad showed him as a child and recounts their later estrangement over his dad’s New Age spiritual beliefs.

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Winkfield Twyman, Jr. Winkfield Twyman, Jr.

I Have No “Driving While Black” Stories

Winkfield Twyman, Jr., argues that too many black Americans are closed-minded to the idea that today’s United States is not the same as it was under Jim Crow and thus hear no blessing, see no blessing, speak no blessing when it comes to acknowledging the strides the country has taken since the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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Katherine Brodsky Katherine Brodsky

The Lessons of James Damore

Long before international headlines called attention to Google’s “woke” AI problem, James Damore was fired from Google for calling attention to its “ideological echo chamber.” Katherine Brodsky shares the lessons Damore learned in the wake of his (in)famous memo and his thoughts on Google’s monoculture.

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Kurt Volkan Kurt Volkan

Harry Potter and the Golden Age of Islam

Kurt Volkan teases out the direct link between scientific advances in the classical Muslim world and J. K. Rowling’s pen. In the process, he demonstrates how today’s fashionable idea that science is purely a Western construct is intellectually impoverished and historically illiterate.

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