Clay Farris Naff Clay Farris Naff

The Physics of Noah’s Flood

In a mind-bending essay, Clay Farris Naff examines the science of Noah’s Flood. Could it actually have occurred as described in the Bible given known physical laws, or is it an event that cannot be explained without an appeal to divine intervention?

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Steve Cuno Steve Cuno

A Brief History of Mormon Sex

Steve Cuno takes a look at the surprising underside of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and shows how its focus on sexual don’ts puts sex front and center in more than a few Mormon minds.

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Isaac Arbol Reed Isaac Arbol Reed

A Detransitioner’s Story in Three Parts: The Boob Job

Isaac Arbol Reed shares the story of his transition and detransition, focusing specifically on his changing views toward and relationship with his chest, from imagining breasts and exploring prosthetics to having jelly capsules implanted and eventually extracted.

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Luke Conway Luke Conway

The Left Has an Authoritarian Problem (but Doesn’t Know It)

Luke Conway explains how it’s not just right-wing extremists who long for an authority figure to crush their enemies, silence opponents, and restore order; it’s also those who preach “be kind” and celebrate their “inclusivity” who have become authoritarian bullies.

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Kurt Volkan Kurt Volkan

The Lessons of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Kurt Volkan examines the history and meaning of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the most visited site on the National Mall. Given the divisiveness public art can cause, its story offers important lessons for future efforts to facilitate national healing and engender unity through monument building.

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